[Tarmary] December sales dates and end of sales announcement



[Tarmary] December sales dates and end of sales announcement

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"The more bread we make, the better the local community and the environment"
Tarmally's goal is to manufacture and sell bread using only homemade yeast and domestically produced wheat flour.
Unfortunately, due to manufacturer reasons, sales will end in December.
Thank you very much for your continued patronage over the years.

We will also be selling new products that meet your expectations,
We look forward to your continued patronage.

<Tarmally December sales dates>
Dates: 7th (Sat) and 21st (Sat)
*Sales will end on Saturday, December 21st when stock runs out.

Location: GOOD NATURE STATION 1st floor market
Sales time: From 13:00
*Sales times may be delayed due to traffic conditions.

Home > TOPICS > 【タルマーリー】12月販売日・販売終了のお知らせ