Keihan Group "GOOD NATURE Reason for proposing a new lifestyle

Keihan Group "GOOD NATURE Reason for proposing a new lifestyle

What is the new mechanism that people who live in the present can live in richer and happier ways?


From such a point of view, we, the Keihan Group, would like to be a company that can provide a wide range of values from "train station" to "life station", making full use of the know-how we have built over 100 years.


Why did the Keihan Group come to propose a "life station"?

Currently, the population of Japan is more than 120 million. However, due to the declining population due to the declining birthrate and aging population, it is also predicted that it will decrease by more than 20 million in the next 30 years.


With the number of people using railways expected to decrease, I would like to leave businesses that can contribute to the next generation. So what we considered was a proposal for a lifestyle that included the global environment.


In 2018, the Keihan Group formulated a long-term management strategy, and advocated "Create Sympathy Content" as one of the core strategies.


Empathy content is not merely a product that enhances the quality of life, but is fostering content that can be shared by many people through the creation of products and services for a sustainable society. At the heart of that is the new concept of "BIOSTYLE".


What is "BIOSTYLE"?

“BIOSTYLE” develops “good for the body” and “something that shows the feelings of producers and creators” as products and services, and proposes a lifestyle that can contribute to a healthy, beautiful, and recycling-oriented society.


“BIO-ICHI” and “I have been doing five times since 2016 GOOD NATURE market is also part of that. Kyoto We have continued activities to propose food that is rooted in local production for local consumption, in consideration of health and the environment, by having stores open at stores around Japan.


Flagship of the ““ BIOSTYLE ”Project” GOOD NATURE STATION

In such a flow, we will be born in December this year as a place to further embody the concept of "BIOSTYLE" we have been promoting. GOOD NATURE STATION is.


"Incorporate in a form that suits you while enjoying healthy and good things"GOOD NATURE This is a new station where things and things for that purpose are gathered.



People who stay here and people living in this place should be comfortable space, and also be able to start a power charge that will start every day from tomorrow.


Only what you believe is delicious and fun. I am excited for you GOOD NATURE Please find "here".

GOOD NATURE JOURNAL editorial department
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